The Olympia Schools

We all remember the best and worst teachers we had growing up but what makes a school great? Is it the students, the teachers, or the environment? Is it a top-down approach, organic growth, or innovative teaching methods? Or is it simply a matter of caring and going beyond preparing students for the next stage […]

Devon London by Devon Nguyen

  Fashion in Vietnam has come a long way from loose shirts in the 1980s and denim jeans in the 1990s. In recent years, there has been a wave of Vietnamese from overseas who have returned to Vietnam and set up fashion houses all in an effort to shape the fashion industry in Vietnam and beyond. Kelly Bui, Helene Hoai, and Devon London are […]

Long Van Group

Long Van Group, founded in 1992, is comprised of four companies: Long Van NTV, Loval, ALV, and Hondalex. Through its portfolio companies based in Vietnam and the US, the family-owned group is perhaps best known for its aluminum product manufacturing—which is how it got its start. The other companies include a trading company in Ho […]

First Impressions of Vietnam

Trying to explain Hanoi, and Vietnam in general to someone who has never been here can be quite challenging. For many expats in Southeast Asia, the region and its cultures can be difficult to understand and navigate let alone effectively explain to family and friends at home. And research, while helpful to understand settings, is […]

Currents of Creativity in Hanoi

We took off from publishing last week so we are resuming our normal schedule of Sunday posts. Keeping a schedule or routine in general helps to build structure and maintain momentum; for some that means going to the gym, for others it means traveling once a month, and for us it means writing consistently in […]

Being an Expat

We’re a bit late with the post this week as we spent last week in Saigon. What a change it’s been since last year: massive construction on Nguyen Hue, new buildings, and new faces as some familiar ones have moved on. Saigon is definitely a city in flux–the growing pains are evident trying to navigate […]