Long Van Group

Long Van Group, founded in 1992, is comprised of four companies: Long Van NTV, Loval, ALV, and Hondalex. Through its portfolio companies based in Vietnam and the US, the family-owned group is perhaps best known for its aluminum product manufacturing—which is how it got its start. The other companies include a trading company in Ho Chi Minh City for the domestic market, a trading company in the US for the international market, and a joint-venture with Hondalex. Recently, we sat down with Thy Van Nguyen (Vanessa), whose official title is Operational Director but she is heavily involved with the strategic vision of the group as well as integral in implementing organizational change across the companies.

Ms. Nguyen was born in Ho Chi Minh City and moved to the US when she was 16. After being based in Seattle, Washington and attending university in the US, Ms. Nguyen moved back to Ho Chi Minh City about 18 months ago in order to focus on the family business. She currently spends about 80% of her time in Vietnam between Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong Province, where the manufacturing  activities of Long Van Group takes place. Currently, one of Ms. Nguyen’s major initiatives is the transformation of culture in her organization, something that she has successfully done in the domestic trading arm of the group.

Changing a Culture From Within

Ms. Nguyen is a big believer in getting the people doing a task or activity to understand the purpose of it. The people on the front lines are already the best people to do to the job so they will also be in the best position to improve the process. It’s only a matter of getting them used to speaking up and contributing regularly for the reward is improved efficiency and recognition by management and their peers.

That goal is sometimes easier said than done as older managers in a company have a more traditional mindset of top-down management style. Therefore, it’s necessary to first change the managers—either their attitudes or outright replace them (however, Ms. Nguyen didn’t have to fire anybody). If the managers had not bought into her vision at the onset then the project couldn’t have worked. Having the managers on board enabled the culture at the trading company to completely change within eight months but it took six months before she began to see the fruits of her labor. It also helped that Ms. Nguyen speaks Vietnamese in addition to English, and is the daughter of the company’s owner so she did have the power to initiate and implement change. However, despite these advantages it was still tricky for her to balance the right relationship with the workers due to some strong local cultural elements.

Part of the culture in Vietnam revolves around a fear of power which has roots in the royal history of Vietnam and continues in the form of wealth and political power today. Therefore, people in positions of power might need to be more informal, more cheery, and re-emphasize what resources are available to workers who need help, guidance, or any kind of assistance. People aren’t going to ask for help on their own or tell you what problems they have. Vietnamese culture is generally not expressive; a Vietnamese son or daughter can do 1,000 things right and not receive a single compliment. However, if s/he does one thing wrong then they will hear about it to no end. Thus, a lack of a negative response is a positive step. It’s important to praise workers because no one really says compliments from an authority position so it really impacts their subordinates.

It’s interesting to note that Ms. Nguyen was able to effectively change the culture because of gaps in old culture when other senior leaders were focusing on other business lines. Her changes came at the right time because the old system was not effective for expanding beyond the original 20-30 employees since it was largely based on gut feelings.

It may also be that everybody can see the problem at hand but no one wants to do much about it–Ms. Nguyen sought to change that. The interesting thing is that the workers want to hear different perspectives but not necessarily change the old ways of doing things. So even though everyone can point out the problem, no one can suggest a solution because it may be too risky to suggest a potential solution.

This challenge of self-confidence and expression has its origins in the educations system in Vietnam. The educational culture in Vietnam revolves around being told what to do; the teacher tells you the answer and that’s the answer–end of discussion. One way to overcome this element is by tapping into the fact that Vietnamese people love to look good; they want the story to be about them. They love the credit so give them that credit when appropriate. For example, present them with a situation and ask them to help. Then you can follow up with: “I listened to you and it worked.” In these moments you will see how proud the workers are and have just established a precedent. Perhaps the most effective way to connect with workers is to tell them stories, and then get them to be part of the stories. It can be as simple as presenting a scenario to workers and asking them, “if you had to make that decision then what would you do?” Indeed, not all changes are smooth and changing a culture is perhaps one of the toughest tasks to take on but by empowering workers it increases an organization’s operational efficiency overall.

Make no mistake: an organizational transformation is not without friction and conflict—especially when dealing with the “old guard.” Some people quit in the process, in part due to wanting to change the organization in a different way than Ms. Nguyen so they left. Changing the culture required that Ms. Nguyen trust that a real foundation was in place for the company to expand upon itself. To that end, she had to let go of some of the intensive focus she had on certain processes. These days Ms. Nguyen’s 62 workers at the trading company embrace and drive towards her and their vision of change.

Training and Developing Vietnamese Workers

Improvement is a continuous process at Long Van Group. Ms. Nguyen gives training courses once or twice a week for each division in her company in an effort to better prepare them for current and future work-related tasks. She strives to get different workers to select a unit each week based on a set list and give a presentation to the other workers. In her “guide-on-the-side” role, she asks questions and draws opinions from the workers and gives feedback at the end of each session.

During her training sessions, she will also share a story about a work experience, or conduct a workshop, or present a scenario. Then the workers will split into groups and talk about what each worker would have done in the scenario or what to do in the situation in the future.

Example: Your colleague sends an email to an organizational partner who you must coordinate with on a project. In the email, your colleague states that your company is not responsible for a specific portion of scope but that there are related issues that need to be addressed for the client’s benefit. The organizational partner’s vice director simply responds: “If the scope is not your responsibility, then your opinion does not matter.”

Ms. Nguyen will then question the workers on whether or not the logic of the vice director is wrong. Thus, the workers are solving problems with real experiences (the above example is actually used in training by Ms. Nguyen and was experienced by your author in Ho Chi Minh City last year) and are thinking about how to view situations more deeply.

This analysis is important because when responding to allegations some Vietnamese tend to lash out when things start to take a dive and they can take things personally even if they aren’t meant to be from your side. So it’s vital to be mindful of not only what you say (although that is important as well), but about how they feel (and taking care to let everyone save face).

Within Vietnam, southerners rely more on gut feelings whereas northerners are more logical. The southerners present themselves at face value; they want to prove to you that they care about you when they meet you. However, northerners want to compare status levels and act accordingly. Thus, foreigners might have a better time in Hanoi compared to “common people.” Northerners tend to think more before they talk so their use of words is better and more structured which presents them as being clever. Southerners speak more from the heart since they are generally more open and expressive. It’s important to be aware of your counterpart’s feelings because in Vietnam and in life, one can never do something big or grand without building a coalition.

Human Capital in the US and in Vietnam

In the US, people and workers are proactive while in Vietnam they are largely reactive. However, foreigners can learn a lot from Vietnamese people. But first, they must stop assuming and see things in limited possibilities. Ridiculous and downright crazy (from a western perspective) things could and will be possible because it may be the only option for moving forward in Vietnam.

The social structure is more set in the US due to the developed economy and Puritan work ethic. So in the US there is freedom to choose within set choices, i.e., the illusion of freedom because everything is already structured. Life is very predictable in the US so many people want to be proactive, they want to be ahead of the curve. Thus, Americans tend to assume a lot when planning.

On the other hand, Vietnamese are “proactive by being reactive:” they expect the plans to go awry so they bypass the planning stage and when things devolve they are better equipped to salvage the situation. Thus, Vietnamese prepare for certain situations but not for all situations. In that sense, they are able to make unreasonable (or even crazy) positions seem logical because they have developed these skills. They are very adept at framing an arena and taking up defensive and offensive positions and excel when things don’t go right, in part due to the messy social structure. It may be surprising to some that Vietnamese can be very practical because oftentimes there are no other options.

So, Vietnamese are really good at changing situation into their favor but they are also good at making crazy logic sound normal. Some people may believe that if they spot an issue and bring it up, then they will need take responsibility for it. People are afraid of responsibility because of the challenge of getting the task accomplished correctly. Vietnamese people like to look good so they don’t like to put their name on a project or idea in case it fails. But if it turns out good and then they take full credit. For Ms. Nguyen, a large part of the effort to change the organization is by marketing herself through self-branding because the perceptions of the workers will make or break any initiative.

Opportunities for Expats

To Ms. Nguyen, Vietnam is the perfect country to grow something big—but it’s a double-edged sword. Everything is based on relationships, which can be good or bad depending on the perspective. To be successful in Vietnam, one needs to be flexible and open-minded since many problems in Vietnam need to be solved in unorthodox manners. Structure beyond social doesn’t really exist, so if one relies on structure to move forward then s/he is in for a rude awakening (unless those connections are present). Above all, give Vietnam a chance but know where your limits are and what is the extent of your comfort zone for (operational and legal risks).

Expats shouldn’t assume anything in Vietnam and they will have to take on more responsibility to ensure that things stay on track and don’t fall apart. Things that are taken for granted in the west simply don’t exist in Vietnam. For example, the search results of Google, and Google VN are very different. Some people in Vietnam trust the US version more than the Vietnamese version. Also, Vietnamese websites generally don’t have a “how-to” section. For western websites, the product or service offered is described in depth and it is very clearly shown what it is and how it is done.

When explaining something in Vietnam, it has to be simple, clear, and consistently explained multiple times. Then, inverse questions need to be asked in order to triangulate what the actual response is for determining if the receiver understands or not. Communicating processes, requirements, or issues to locals can be timely and frustrating, even when explaining in the Vietnamese language. One way to get Vietnamese people to understand a process or information is through infographics—and in particular, youngsters will understand it better. They like the convenience aspect and the way the information is presented so they are more likely to understand it. If a member of the older generation doesn’t understand something, then s/he will just ask someone nearby or a close friend who will be put on the spot and could just blurt out something that sounds good but isn’t necessarily accurate. Thus, a crazy feedback loop begins where most of the information is wrong as the process continues. Besides, many Vietnamese don’t believe what they read. The older generations do, but the younger (those born in the 1990s and later) ones, no. Cute infographics can help explain things succinctly—and the cuter, the better; think anime characters.

In more general terms, most work fields don’t give newcomers to the country a chance. Connections are part of status which bypasses merit in many cases. It doesn’t matter if you are the best in your field, if you don’t have a good connection then no one will work with you. When arriving in Vietnam, get the connection first. Leverage being sent by a foreign company by learning about the country and forming bonds. Another option is to wait until you have the money to buy status here. In that sense, you don’t have to be the best person in your field—you can be average but still get a piece of the action through connections.

Drinking: Bad or Good for Business?

Still, business can be too much relationship-based; that is to say too reliant on gut feelings and feelings in general. Logic is largely used to make decisions in the US but in Vietnam they need to “feel it” in order to do something. These positive feelings are usually the result of some bonding over alcohol, either bia hoi, ruou, or some imported spirits.

Ms. Nguyen points out that her male employees never get drunk enough to be inappropriate at company functions. And for those who don’t drink any alcohol, while they can sponsor a “drinking nominee,” they could be at a disadvantage with their local counterparts by them not “truly” knowing the person when s/he is drunk. Thus, the best way to establish trust with Vietnamese counterparts is to drink alcohol with them—so if you get drunk easily then you must learn how to control yourself. Vietnamese truly believe that you will be yourself when you are drunk so in a way it’s like peering into your soul.

Everything you say or do shapes their perception about you, especially when drinking. The actual message, while important, is secondary since they are judging you via a gut feeling. It can be quite dangerous since Vietnamese may perceive an offense where there was none. When doing business, Vietnamese generally won’t trust you until you drink alcohol with them and they are able to see the “true you.”

How you are as a person when drunk may be the biggest indicator of doing a deal with Vietnamese. Their perception of you while imbibing will be the baseline for judging you. Once they see you drunk, then that’s how they will perceive you and they will hold onto this image of you until the next time you drink together. If you are a bad drunk, then beware.

The Next Step

Next up for Ms. Nguyen is changing the culture at the factory since it is a special case. The entire production was in the hands of two directors but the current result didn’t turn out so well so the focus is on getting workers to take more initiative and overcome fears of failure. Indeed, Long Van Group is at the forefront of providing high-quality products and driving organizational change in order to provide a better customer experience. Vietnam is becoming an even more prominent destination for outsourcing and manufacturing and as more projects are implemented here then the technical and management skills requirements will increase as well.

Today, China produces for much of the world but in recent years some factories have migrated to Vietnam, in part due to the fact that wages in China are higher than in Vietnam. However, prices of finished goods in Vietnam can be higher than in China because of other operational costs. The disadvantage that Vietnam has is that the workforce is less skilled than China’s and the economies of scale don’t exist on par with China. Quality control remains an issue in Vietnam as well.

As more foreign companies come to the Vietnamese market, the standards for local workers’ qualifications and skills will rise. A growing trend is for Vietnamese workers to take courses at private institutes to aid in their professional development, e.g., how to be a better manager or CEO. These courses are truly development on an individual level because people are there because they want to be better. For the students, Ms. Nguyen suggests that they seek to understand on a conceptual level and learn to connect everything.

“Learning how to connect things is the tool you need to work in the real world,” Ms. Nguyen advises.

Below, Ms. Nguyen shares some of her favorite quotes:

“Do or do not, there is no try.” –Master Yoda

“If you are a good leader, when your work is done, your aim fulfilled, your people will say, ‘We did this ourselves.’” –Abraham Lincoln

“You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.” – Alice Duer Mill


Special thanks to Vanessa Nguyen of Long Van Group who shared her time with us and greatly contributed to this week’s post.

First Impressions of Vietnam

Trying to explain Hanoi, and Vietnam in general to someone who has never been here can be quite challenging. For many expats in Southeast Asia, the region and its cultures can be difficult to understand and navigate let alone effectively explain to family and friends at home. And research, while helpful to understand settings, is not a substitute for direct experience.

This week we have a guest contributor who is with us here in Hanoi. Zdravko Tumbovski is an international businessman who has done business in Turkey, Bulgaria, his native Macedonia, and other countries. He arrived in Hanoi for the first time on Tuesday, November 18 in order to take a firsthand look at the Vietnamese market and to gauge its potential for his interest in trading with Vietnam and in Southeast Asia.

His professional experience includes an internship at an insurance company in Macedonia; a Business Analyst position at a family owned company, Info Group Ltd, which made investments in the Macedonian Stock Exchange and the Macedonian Real Estate market. Currently, Mr. Tumbovski is the founder and director of Z&Z Capital Ltd based in Bulgaria, which specializes in transport and logistics services in the European Union (EU).

Additionally, in conjunction with partners in Turkey, he is involved in import-export transactions, mainly in cooking oil, but they are also expanding to other commodities for the Turkish bazaar. His primary role is to find a suitable supplier and to negotiate the payment methods and transportation of the goods.

Zdravko shares his first impressions of Vietnam below:

After constantly moving around between the US, Europe, and the Middle East in the last seven years, I spent a considerable amount of time in Los Angeles this year. About a month ago, I reconnected with director of GKTA Group, whom I have known for several years.

GKTA Group introduced me to some of the many challenges, opportunities, and conditions faced in Vietnam. I felt attracted to learning more about this dynamic market and it didn’t take long for me to decide to come here and check out Vietnam for myself.

Even though I am still in the first week of my arrival, I must admit that I am having a very smooth transition to this country so far. I was already familiar with Asian cultures due to my friendship with Asians in my network that I have known for a long period of time, and also because GKTA Group put a lot of effort to set up at least one meeting per day with a local person where I can get his/her answers to some of my questions about his/her country’s future, his/her point of view toward foreigners, and the changes that s/he has seen the past five years in Hanoi, especially.

Hanoians and Hanoi

Vietnamese people in the capital of Hanoi are generally polite and quiet. It usually requires some time until they start to feel comfortable sharing their views, and begin to realize the goal of my questions because I see that they are not very used to foreigners who are interested in their culture, and who try to understand their values.

Vietnamese people seem to be the loudest on their motorbikes. They are honking at every cross street, and from my findings they rarely show anger with words, but only with menacing stares at the perceived wrong-doer. The amount of motorbikes and the traffic frequency for me was something unseen before; in short, outrageous.

Hanoi is a city with a long history, and it is shown on every corner. Hanoi has the street-selling spirit and it is still done traditionally and mostly inexpensively for locals. However, there is luxury consumption visibility in the younger generations and newly rich populations. For me, this is probably more visible because I was raised in a former communist country, Macedonia (Former Yugoslavia).

The Wi-Fi coverage and the use of internet are quite impressive compared to the expectation of technology in a developing country. The “drinking-coffee” habit is at large range, and the number of cafes is seemingly endless but a favorite of Vietnamese people. One new thing for me is using condensed milk (“sua dac”) in almost every cup of coffee—and I find it tasty—even if it is uncommon for me as a European.

Luckily, I am fan of Asian cuisine, and have been eating it frequently. Compared to other cuisines and the tastes of some westerners, you may remain hungry here if you are very picky with the food. The traditional street foods, or the local dishes in the very basic and not-so-modern restaurants can be tasty for people who are food enthusiasts and open to new flavors; on the other hand, it can be off-putting (even though I aim to be cautious with my language here), because I certainly know many people who would not be able to eat the local food here, and who would not be willing to be seated and served in the Hanoian or Vietnamese way of small tables and children chairs. So far, I enjoy it.

Work Ethic and Exposure

My personal view is that most of people here work hard and long hours. The basic example for that is the staff at the hotel where I stay. They are here every single day of the week, for over twelve hours per day. They are very friendly and very helpful even if there is occasional miscommunication.

When talking to waiters or other people in cafes and on the streets, I have come to realize that many of them have not had a chance to travel a lot. Actually, many have never been outside of Vietnam. The reason for that is first, money and second, time since, as mentioned before, they have to work almost every day, year-round.

There is a sense of trust that permeates through the people here. I had a very unique experience that occurred to me at the border upon arriving at the airport: I had arranged for visa upon arrival and at the bureau the visa was issued and stamped more quickly than what I had estimated, but I had no cash on me to pay. The customs officer asked me if I had any currency equal to the amount of $95 (the price of the visa), but I had none. The ATM was outside the immediate area, after the passport control, so I thought that I couldn’t consider the option to withdraw some money. As a matter of fact, the officer walked me through the immigration border without any checking and without any concern, just to withdraw the necessary money for the visa, and then led me back to her desk in order to pay. That was surprising. Actually, the border control experience in general was more liberal than in many other countries.

If I am allowed a chance or could offer some suggestions to Vietnamese who want to be successful with westerners, it would be:

  • Learn more English, the number of tourists is increasing  and you need it
  • Strive to be more comfortable with foreigners
  • Be more creative for international businesses; this land is rich
  • Act more responsible to the duties and respond to requirements efficiently and faster

Business and Understanding Vietnam Now and in The Future

I haven’t experienced any business deals in Vietnam yet, but I am most worried about the changing industry regulations, the unpredictable law amendments, unfair competition, and the guarantee of quality standards.

My advice to the expats that want to do business in Vietnam is to spend as much time as possible here, but with local people. It is essential to understand the habits of the Vietnamese before starting any sort of business, in order to prevent an organizational mismatch and communication misunderstandings. It is complex and different here indeed.

I can already see that the necessary attributes required to succeed in Vietnam are patience and simple guidelines.

What I would like to learn about Vietnam or the Vietnamese is: until what extent have the ancestors shaped today’s population, and how much is the young generation willing to keep and practice the old traditions? I hope that finding this balance will help me to predict and understand their place in the world for the next decade.

This next decade will be crucial for Vietnam as the country transitions to increased trade with more global partners, the middle class continues to grow, and more foreign investment pours into the economy. Vietnam has many natural resources, a lot of talented people, and a willingness to exceed economic indicators but it will not be without some development friction, conflict between traditional and modern Vietnam, and addressing some major investor concerns. However, the long-term benefits will be far greater than what the shortcut rewards of today will provide. After all, as Jim Rohn says, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”

Thanks to Zdravko Tumbovski who contributed to this week’s post.

Currents of Creativity in Hanoi

We took off from publishing last week so we are resuming our normal schedule of Sunday posts. Keeping a schedule or routine in general helps to build structure and maintain momentum; for some that means going to the gym, for others it means traveling once a month, and for us it means writing consistently in between projects, meetings, and travels.

However, it’s good to change things up once in a while and to consume content instead of creating it—movies usually fill that role but for inspiration it’s best to turn elsewhere. While it might be hard to find unique institutions of culture in Vietnam beyond museums, a vast assortment of handicrafts, or those visible propaganda art shops in the streets, it does not mean that Vietnam is devoid of other forms of creativity and expression. Indeed, there are coursing currents of creativity in Hanoi and greater Vietnam that can be missed at first glance. This week we will take a look at some emerging sub-culture trends within the last few years.

Tuned In

Music: art for the ears. In general, many of the younger generations of Vietnamese seem to prefer western songs with romantic undertones. However, there are not many high-profile western musical acts that come through Vietnam, which is a bit surprising to consider since western culture can be heavily consumed in Vietnam at times. For example, one could make a strong case for P!nk’s Just Give Me A Reason as the 2013 unofficial theme song of Vietnam. And speaking of anthems, let’s not forget Michael Learns to Rock’s Take Me To Your Heart, which seems to be played everywhere in Vietnam (even though they are technically an Asian-branded band). Some Vietnamese children even learn the lyrics to MLTR songs while growing up—and they probably could have learned their first English words via those popular songs

Some other younger and more hip Vietnamese seem to enjoy rock music more, preferring local bands, or jazz, or rap music. Vietnamese rappers such as Su Boi and Kim (also known as Kimmese) are among two of the most popular acts. Moreover, KPOP has spread its influence to a huge numbers of followers here in Vietnam. KPOP stars have brought everything from new dance moves to novel hairstyles to nascent fashion trends in Vietnam. On a more local level, Hanoi seems to have more charm and is more music festival centric whereas Saigon experiences are more about the creativity and variety in cosmopolitan nightlife experiences in bars and clubs.

On The Move On and Off The Wall

Run, Saigon, Run! Earlier this year, the unique Color Me Run, “based on new ideas for activities” was held in Saigon for the first time. Meanwhile, in Hanoi, Viet Pride, an inclusive equality and volunteer driven parade was first held in Hanoi in 2012, and then subsequently spread to Saigon and beyond. It is interesting to see the divergence between commercial and social mission events within the host cities, especially because some of the more progressive events originate from the more traditional city.

Other than those events, street art and graffiti, in general, have been getting more popular in Vietnam. Whether it is tagging or painting intricate wall murals around West Lake, the interest in street art could bring bigger opportunities for commercial enterprises as Vietnamese youth and other thought leaders turn their attention toward alternate forms of expression beyond the traditional outlets, i.e., “rebels,” if you will.

Speaking of  rebels, Harley-Davidson, the symbol of rebels against society, finally arrived in Vietnam last year. With the opening of the first Harley-Davidson dealership in Vietnam, we can expect to see more western culture absorbed and emulated in Vietnam as more and more brands go east. With the high barrier to entry (entry-levels models like the 883 start off around $16,000), there is a premium for being a rebel leader. A complimentary first year’s membership to Saigon H.O.G. or Harley-Davidson Owner’s Group is included with each new purchase of any model. And what are bikers without tattoos? The first Tattoo Convention in Vietnam was held in Saigon last year as tattoos became even trendier and more mainstream.

Hanoi: For Local and Foreign Artists

Even on an educational level, art is becoming more popular in Vietnam. Some of the most popular majors for Vietnamese students include banking and finance. Indeed, there are institutions dedicated to a banking emphasis since it is a conventional career path option for many Vietnamese. Over the last few years, a small but growing number of Vietnamese students have opted to study abroad in an effort to pursue less “safe” subjects and have chosen to go to art schools in the US—something that would have been even more rare a few years ago.

That’s not to say that there are not any locally grown artists; for example, Nguyen Minh Son is originally from Hanoi and draws most of his inspiration from traveling throughout his home country of Vietnam. In addition to art, Mr. Son also has a passion for Kung Fu, which he has been practicing for over twenty years. Over the years, Mr. Son has experimented with various forms of expression as viewed in his gallery and on his website.

Indeed, one does not need to leave Hanoi to become an artist for there are available local art lessons for anyone to join. Knee Jerk, originally from England, came to Hanoi almost four years ago from Melbourne, Australia. Since then, he started doing graffiti in the streets of Hanoi and has been commissioned for art in retail settings. Currently, he offers classes in his studio for people of all ages; his current students include children of expats as well as adults who want to hone their artistic skills. He regularly collaborates with artists from around the world including France, Hong Kong, and Brazil.

As Knee Jerk describes in his own words:

“I am an Artist and Art teacher creating Art and also running classes from my home and studio, Not Pop Studio. My background is graphic design and illustration, which is what I studied at Salford University in England, graduating in 2003. Most of the artwork I produced before coming to Hanoi was digital based, but almost as soon as I arrived in Hanoi, I revisited an earlier love of painting using hand cut stencils and spray paint.

I quickly learned to combine my digital designs with hand cut and paint techniques and I continue to paint everyday, either working on canvas/mural commissions or more self instigated street paintings. I try to paint eye catching pieces of art that also makes people think and not to have “knee jerk reactions” regarding the subject matter of the piece.”

While these two Hanoi-based (Not Pop Studio in Tay Ho, and Minh Son Gallery in Ba Dinh district) artists have different backgrounds, styles, and inspirations, they have produced and presented art all over the world. Both artists are currently interested in having their works displayed in either New York City or San Francisco—please contact Knee Jerk or Nguyen Minh Son directly for more information. For more information on street art in Hanoi, please see here.

What will be the next step for Vietnam’s art, music, and other cultural scenes overall? It’s anyone’s guess, but if recent interest is any indication then there are exciting times for the tattoo, street art, and motorcycle communities in Vietnam. Surprisingly, to some, Vietnam is a suitable place for creation after all and Hanoi is one of its centers.

Being an Expat

We’re a bit late with the post this week as we spent last week in Saigon. What a change it’s been since last year: massive construction on Nguyen Hue, new buildings, and new faces as some familiar ones have moved on. Saigon is definitely a city in flux–the growing pains are evident trying to navigate around District 1 or District 2–and it seems like it will be that way for awhile as the metro takes shape.

Anecdotally, if an expat in Vietnam makes it to two years in Vietnam then s/he either stays for the long haul or heads to a different place. Thus, there is a staggered mass exodus every two years—which means that the expat community that is present today was largely not around five or more years ago.

In many ways, being an expat in Vietnam is about survival: who can outlast, adapt, and add value in ways that locals and foreign companies will appreciate and are willing to pay for. At the same time, the decision to invest more into Vietnam can be difficult (especially for expat entrepreneurs). Another way to look at it is how integrated should one be in Vietnamese society?

While there are benefits (business rights, visa, and so on) that come with a local spouse anywhere, whatever costs savings by living in a developing nation are wiped out if one is sending his/her child to a quality private school. So there are other considerations for entrepreneurs attempting to integrate into Vietnam beyond learning Vietnamese and moving into a fringe/edge business—especially for older expats. Indeed, it can be hard to change over from a lifestyle business to a scalable business model.

Finding the right balance in Vietnam can be challenging for many people. For example, there is the uninhibited nightlife in Saigon, and there are the midnight curfews in Hanoi. Business meetings can last from two to three hours and even longer if the booze is flowing and the bonds are strengthening. Where does the line for business and personal relationships end? Sometimes, it can be hard to distinguish whether it’s a friend or a business associate who is picking up the check–and sometimes it’s both.

There is a small town feel here—less so than Vientiane or Phnom Penh—but it’s not uncommon to run into the same circle of people in various establishments or at least to meet people who know the same ones that you do. For expats who want to be successful here and in Southeast Asia, Vietnam should be a long term plan. There is no doubt that Saigon, Da Nang (Hoi An included) and Hanoi attract different kinds of expats. But too often, a segment of expats seem to fall into a cycle of complacency, vices, and distractions. Out of those three cities, it’s perhaps easiest to lose a sense of self in the sprawling metropolis of Saigon; the loneliness of being an expat can contribute to a less-than-healthy lifestyle as well.

For certain, mistakes will be made both in business and social settings in a new environment and setting—no one is perfect. The key is to learn from mistakes and to not repeat them again. Even when some people have reached their wits end after being here for years, other opportunities have popped up which have compelled them to stay—but it’s only because they’ve tried and failed previously that they were noticed–and had the reputation to be suitable for a new project. But what drives people to “leave Vietnam for a third time?” Or to stay in Vietnam for years and never learn the language beyond a basic level?

The real opportunity here is to create and shape markets. Vietnam is still in “tree growing” mode. Sure, one day there will be a harvest—but it takes time, money, and other resources to educate consumers, stakeholders, and to build/create a marketplace. To that end, Vietnam needs more entrepreneurial talent, more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) talent that knows what it takes to bring a product to the global market, and more people who are interested in Vietnam from a cultural point of view instead of a bia hoi/bia om focus. But, how to attract such talent?

For starters, lower the risk of coming to Vietnam and doing business here (corporate governance), lower the barriers to raising capital here for startups (beyond incorporating in Singapore and keeping a local team here), and promote finding ways to leverage local talent to create products and services that can be differentiated.

Another major pitfall for expats is to adopt local ways of thinking and doing things. It’s very easy to complain and to succumb to some of the craziness that permeates interactions in the workplace and beyond. Staying rooted, being patient, and remaining steadfast during negotiations are valuable qualities to have ample supplies of. However, also knowing when to quit due to wasting time, the expectation of charity, or unprofessional expat or local counterparts can save many headaches for everyone involved. It’s definitely easier said than done and is a skill that takes time to develop.

Above all, expats should find that their tolerance for healthy and smart risks will have increased after living/working in Asia. Whether it’s riding a motorbike to/from work in the middle of crazy traffic patterns, or dating someone from another culture, or seizing a new opportunity, each experience will help shape confidence and character in future situations.

Living and working in a new country is a risk itself—why stop there? Vietnam is not perfect—no country is. But finding the good in situations and people is more of the result of attitude instead of focusing on all the current problems. Part of the trouble is that the more things change, the more they stay the same—especially here, just with fewer expats that you know. In that sense, finding what’s right about Vietnam can be harder than usual. If you’re in a city that you don’t like, then move somewhere else. If you’ve tried a few cities and still aren’t happy then move to another country. This place isn’t for everyone and staying true to oneself and being ethical/moral seems to be a challenge for many, including westerners. Nothing worthwhile is easy.

For those that stay in this part of the world, have a strong sense of self, and see opportunities, “if a whole country is blind and you have one eye, then you can be king.”